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  • Detached and Torn Retina


    What are the warning signs of a retinal detachment? My son was hit fairly hard on the side of his head with the soccer ball during a game, and I want to make sure that he doesn't have any problems.


    A retinal detachment occurs when the retina (the nerve layer at the back of your eye that senses light and sends images to your brain) is pulled away from its normal position. The retina does not work when it is detached. Vision is blurred, just as a photographic image would be blurry if the film were loose inside the camera. A retinal detachment can be the result of a trauma, such as a blow to the head, or can happen spontaneously. Individuals with myopia or nearsightedness have a higher risk of retinal detachment. These early symptoms may indicate the presence of a retinal detachment: Flashing lights; New floaters; A shadow in the periphery of your field of vision; A gray or dark curtain moving across your field of vision. These symptoms do not always mean a retinal detachment is present; however, you should see your ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Only after careful examination can your ophthalmologist tell whether a retinal tear or early retinal detachment is present.

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