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  • How can I avoid map dot fingerprint dystrophy flare-ups?


    I am a 55-year-old woman with map dot fingerprint dystrophy. I have flare-ups in my left every couple years. The medications are costly and my insurance does not cover my medications. Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid flare-ups?


    Map dot dystrophy of the cornea (dome-shaped window at the front of the eye) can be inherited (passed down from your parents) or acquired later in life. It generally does not affect vision but can be very painful during flare-ups.

    In between flare-ups, it is asymptomatic (without symptoms). I believe that you are doing well to keep your attacks to once every two years. There are a few things you can do that might help between attacks. Try to keep your environment as moist as possible. For example, a humidifier in your bedroom may help. You should also use over-the-counter (OTC) dry eye treatments at bedtime, such as gels and ointments. The ointments may be a bit better since they are thicker, but will temporarily blur your vision. Use a warm wet washcloth to remove all excess from your eyelids in the morning. OTC artificial tears used throughout the day may also help. Most importantly, these at-home treatments must be used consistently especially during the drier winter months. Be sure to discuss with your ophthalmologist as they will have more specific treatments tailored for your individual condition.

    This question was originally answered on March 10, 2014.