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  • Can Color Blindness Be Cured with Glasses?


    How valid are the claims of Changizi for his glasses that "cure" color blindness?


    The use of the word "cure" implies that a pathologic condition has been eliminated forever. Color blindness in males is almost always a genetic disorder that is caused by a lack of certain photoreceptors in the retina of the eye. This condition cannot be "cured" at this time. Over the years, I have helped color blind patients develop a degree of "color awareness" (not a cure) through the use of a few tricks. I have fitted a red contact lens (with or without a prescription) in one eye only. This has allowed a painter to see which sections of a wall he has put the new paint on and which portion still needs to be painted. I also did the same thing for a sailor who needed to be able to distinguish the red light on the port side of an oncoming vessel from the green light on the starboard side. I suggest you see your ophthalmologist to see if anything can be done to assist with color awareness.

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